Florentine flogging

Florentine flogging is a two-handed style of flagellation used in BDSM which involves the rhythmic use of a pair of matching floggers, one in each hand of the person administering the flogging. This technique is used to intensify the sensation of the strikes by repeating them in a more rapid manner. This should only be done after the person receiving the flogging has been warmed-up (meaning to slowly, gradually bringing the blood up to the surface of the skin as to not cause injury). The skin will become pink and very warm to the touch when this has happened, letting the person administering the flogging know when it is safe to do this specialized technique.

The strikes of the floggers come on the downward stroke or the 'top' of each figure-eight flail and are thrown to avoid striking the kidney or spinal area of the subject's back as well as avoiding any areas near joints or bone. This type of flagellation should only be done on the muscular regions of the body as to prevent serious injury.

This is best done with a set of identical or similar (matching) floggers so the weight is evenly distributed to maintain a focused, precise stroke, keeping the falls (tails) of the flogger together.